As you deepen your understanding of a research topic, you may discover the need to cite your own work (paper or presentation) from a previous semester. You'll want to self-cite so as not to self-plagiarize. When citing yourself, your in-text citation should identify you as the author. Then, follow the style manual's instructions for unpublished work for the full reference/citation.
Here are MLA and APA examples for Jane Doe, a fictitious student at PC.
MLA Work Cited
Doe, Jane. "Medicinal Uses of Cat's Claw." 2019. Phoenix College, student paper.
In-Text Citation
The scientific literature on cat's claw does not support the medical claims being made by herbal supplement companies (Doe 4).
APA Reference
Doe, J. (2019). Medicinal uses of cat's claw [Unpublished student paper]. Phoenix College.
In-Text Citation
Doe (2019) explains that the scientific literature on cat's claw does not support the medical claims being made by herbal supplement companies.